Here are some frequently asked questions about the service

Why should I contact VCs & angel investors by mail rather than in-person or at conferences?

Ideally, you can meet VCs and angel investors in person, at conferences, or by referral.

However, this isn’t possible for everyone, and you may find the limited number of potential investors you can contact individually may not be interested. So using this email approach is an alternative.

Additionally, a large personalized mailing to hundreds or thousands of prospects, depending on your project, quickly expands the contacts you make, which ups the odds of getting interest in your company.


What do I need to contact VCs by mail?

Start with a short, compelling query letter in which you are inviting the contact to ask for more information.  It’s very important to have a subject line that indicates what your project is about, so a VC or angel investor can quickly decide if this might be a project of interest and therefore wants to opens your email.

What do I need if VCs express interest in my company?



If you do get interest in learning more about your company and your project, be ready to send additional information to present your project in a clear, powerful way. 

You can to indicate clearly what your company does or plans to do, why your product is needed for its intended market, how much money you need, and the funding level of your project — such as whether you are seeking start-up, early stage, or expansion funding.

You also want to describe the likely return to the investor and how soon the company will become profitable. 

Such information should be included in a business plan written like a marketing pitch. 

In addition, it helps to have a pitch deck presentation.


What do I need for a pitch deck?

A pitch deck is what you use to give a short 5-10 minute presentation of your company and your products and services. I

t’s like a marketing and promotional pitch, though you want to include the financial highlights of your projected earnings, the investment expected, and the returns on investment.

While in-person presentations were once the usual format, commonly these pitch decks are now presented online due to the pandemic.

While you might show an online presentation through screen sharing a PowerPoint, you might also create a video for an online pitch, as well as provide other supporting promotional through PDFs or links to videos.


What other promotional materials should I create?

Other promotional materials might include any or all of the following:

A 2-3 minute sizzle reel
Photos of product prototypes
Photos or video clips of people using the product
Any PR you have gotten in the past
A website for the product

What if I get a great response & have several investors interested in my company?

The VC Connection is just designed to open doors. If you have gotten any interest, this is the time to bring in an attorney or other expert who has worked with raising VC and angel investor funds.

We just make the connection. Then it’s up to you.


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